There is strength in numbers

Efficient architecture of internal workflows and staff services sharing mean excellence for our customers, both in Italy and abroad

MSA Mizar Group companies operate as skill centers able to provide professionalism, processes and specialized softwares within the outsourced claims management value chain.

The ability to cover both Italian and European markets is constantly growing. This urge for growth responds to a twofold strategy: one is to integrate new vertical businesses in Italy while further developing existing ones, and one is to ensure supranational reach for customers and prospects, in order to meet a now international business demand.

MSA Mizar foto unione fa la forza

We stand out for having a set-up that promises the best level of service for customers and that is oriented, at the same time, to optimize the workflow between subsidiaries, sharing staff services and best practices.

In this perspective, each of the Group companies – both in Italy and worldwide – has the possibility to take advantage of the support in Human Resources, Accounting, Finance and Control, Legal and Compliance, Marketing and Communication, Health, Safety and Environment, General Services departments. 

Not the least, thanks to Mizar Tech, all companies under MSA Mizar Group can rely on a technological hub dedicated to develop  innovative IT solutions, thus increasing our operational and functional excellence and our business offer in Saas (Software as a Service).

Our companies in Italy
Our companies worldwide